On Wednesday, Dec. 13, Drs. Claudia Torino and Sabrina Mezzatesta from Reggio Calabria IFC-CNR were interviewed by radio station Voices – Touring 104. The main topic of the broadcast was “Artificial Intelligence applied to medicine”.
Radio speakers Benvenuto Marra and Miriam Guinea conducted the broadcast, exploring various CNR projects related to this topic. One of the flagship projects mentioned during the interview was our ROG (Real Organ Generation) platform.
Dr. Claudia Torino and Dr. Sabrina Mezzatesta shared details and insights on the ROG project, highlighting its impact and future prospects.
CNR Reggio Calabria continues to demonstrate its commitment to scientific and technological innovation, with projects such as ROG that promise to revolutionize the field of medicine through the use of Artificial Intelligence.
The video of the interview is available for those who wish to deepen the conversation and fully understand the contribution of CNR Reggio Calabria in advancing Artificial Intelligence applied to medicine. Starting at minute 5:54, it will be possible to view the part of the interview related to our ROG platform.