Our programme assists teams in planning and building their innovation strategies and innovation ecosystems.


Innogrow invests in the equity of highly innovative startups – whose products or services are in the pre-commercial stage, and whose technologies are innovative. Through an advanced acceleration programme, Innogrow helps the proposing team to develop their business project. In particular, the target of the programme are those startups that need:

  • access to a national and international network;
  • improve their technology infrastructure and business strategy;
  • funding rounds and acceleration services to develop their business.

While easily navigating among the sectors with the highest rate of technological development, Techinnova – through the Innogrow acceleration programme – aims at identifying initiatives that are potentially synergic with the other investments in its portfolio. The selection process focusses on exclusive assets and distinctive strategic drivers.

Distinctive elements of Innogrow’s strategy

Identification of the technological gap filled by the company

Pre-seed, seed, and early stage funding of startups.

Innovative asset-allocation formulas for the management of the technological portfolio

Search for investors to involve in the co-investment

Inclusion in a network of innovation protagonists

Ensure an effective deal flow and clear exit strategies

Implementation of new business models driven by Open Innovation

Boost towards internationalisation